When people think about oral health, they tend to focus on teeth alone. That is until something wrong happens with other parts of the mouth, like gums that easily bleed. Sometimes, it’s only a small amount of blood, which many people ignore. Other times, the problem comes with a little bit of soreness and swelling that every time one brushes teeth, it bleeds.
It’s then important to give your gums some TLC the way you treat your teeth. But what exactly causes the gums to bleed in the first place? Here are the possible reasons.
1. You developed gum disease
While brushing and flossing sometimes cause bleeding gums, ditching these routines isn’t better either. When you’re not diligent in practising good oral care habits, the sticky substance called plaque could easily build up in your mouth, causing the gums to swell and eventually bleed. This is the first stage of gum disease, gingivitis.
This can easily be reversed when you adopt correct brushing and flossing techniques, as well as regular cleanings from your dentist in Ross River Road. Dentists often use the procedures scaling and root planning to get rid of bacteria and tartar from tooth surfaces and gum line. Ask your dentist how you can prepare for such procedures.
2. You changed your brushing or flossing habits
People who have stopped flossing for a while tend to get bleeding gums once they get into the habit again. Or, if you’re new to this routine, there’s a high chance you’ll notice some blood during the first few days. Nonetheless, don’t let this stop you from doing the practice.
Flossing prevents inflammation of the gums, as it gets rid of the food debris left in the mouth. The bleeding will eventually stop after a few days. Bleeding gums may result from a change in your brushing habit as well. If you’ve switched to a hard-bristled toothbrush and gone more aggressive in brushing, that should explain the blood in your spit. Be gentle when cleaning your teeth and gums and replace the hard-bristled toothbrush with a soft-bristled one.
3. You’re pregnant
Some women develop gingivitis when they get pregnant. This is a result of sudden changes in hormones, affecting the body’s natural response to bacteria that prompts gum disease. So, it’s easier for plaque to build up.
Your gums would return to normal though after giving birth, and the symptoms would gradually become less frequent in the next months. But practice good oral care to prevent more serious forms of gum disease. Brush your teeth twice a day, especially after vomiting from morning sickness symptoms. Consider using a fluoride mouthwash as well. Of course, observe healthy eating. Try to avoid foods that contain too much sugar to prevent cavities and gum diseases.
Again, oral care should be about taking care of your gums too. You may be hurting your gums with improper flossing and brushing habits. Or, you could have developed a gum disease already. Consult your doctor to know more about how you can keep your gums healthy.