tooth implant

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants are a long-term solution to replace missing teeth or stabilise dentures. They are titanium posts that can be surgically placed in the jawbone, which act as roots for replacement teeth or dentures. The Tunbridge Wells area offers several dental clinics that specialise in the placement of implants and can provide patients with an attractive, natural-looking smile.

The benefits of having dental implants are numerous. Firstly, they look and feel more like natural teeth than dentures do, especially since they are permanently fixed in place. They also help preserve facial structure and support the surrounding soft tissues, which often deteriorate without tooth roots. Implants offer excellent chewing strength and stability to ensure that patients can eat all types of food with ease.

In addition, dental implants don’t require any special care; regular brushing and flossing are all that is needed to keep implants clean. Finally, they have a high success rate; when properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime!

For those living in Tunbridge Wells looking for a lasting solution to replacing missing teeth or stabilising dentures, dental implants may be the ideal choice. With their many benefits, it’s no wonder why they’re becoming increasingly popular amongst both young and old alike!

Treatment options for dental implants Tunbridge Wells

woman getting dental care

Dental implants can be a great solution for those looking to replace missing teeth or stabilise dentures in the Tunbridge Wells area. Patients have several treatment options when it comes to dental implants, including single implants, full-arch restorations, and implant-supported dentures.

Single implants can be used to replace individual missing teeth. First, the titanium post is surgically placed in the jawbone to act as a root for the replacement tooth. Then, an abutment is attached to the post to connect it with the new crown that will be placed on top.

Full-arch restorations involve placing several implants in strategic locations throughout the jawbone and attaching a prosthetic bridge on top. This bridge is custom-made to fit over the existing gum line and provide patients with an attractive smile while restoring chewing function.

Implant-supported dentures are another popular option for those interested in replacing multiple teeth or stabilising their denture appliance. A series of implants is placed along the jawline and connected by a metal bar or framework that supports either removable or fixed prosthetics. This offers increased stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures.

The Tunbridge Wells area offers several experienced dental clinics that specialise in placing dental implants and can help restore your smile!

Types of implant treatment

dentist making a tooth model

Dental implants are a popular solution for those looking to replace missing teeth or stabilise dentures. Patients have several types of treatments available, including single implants, full-arch restorations, and implant-supported dentures.

Single implants involve surgically placing a titanium post in the jawbone to act as a root for the replacement tooth. An abutment is then attached to the post and capped with a custom-made crown that blends aesthetically with the patient’s existing teeth.

Full-arch restorations involve strategically placing several implants along the jawbone and covering them with a prosthetic bridge. This bridge is custom-made to fit over the existing gum line and provide a natural-looking smile while restoring chewing function.

Implant-supported dentures involve placing several implants along the jawline, which are connected by either a metal bar or framework that supports removable or fixed prosthetics. These offer greater stability and comfort than traditional dentures.

Patients should consult their dentist to determine which type of dental implant treatment is suitable for their individual needs and goals.

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