Close-up of Teeth Veneers

Transform your teeth beautifully with veneers

There are many cosmetic dental treatments designed to improve the appearance of your smile. One of the most common methods of improving the aesthetics of your dentition is teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is very popular because it is non-invasive. It can be carried out in the comfort of your own home or it can be carried out by your dentist for excellent results. Teeth can be whitened by many shades depending on what you are looking for. By whitening your teeth at home you can improve the natural appearance of your smile or by whitening your teeth at the dentist you can make a greater impact. This depends on your personal preferences.

A Hollywood smile

Woman's Face smiling

If you want the ultimate Hollywood smile then you need to speak to your dentist and find out about veneers Gordon. These are thin porcelain shells that are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. They allow you to improve the shape, colour, position and size of your teeth with little or no alteration to your natural teeth. With veneers your dentist can whiten your teeth, widen or lengthen your teeth, improve the alignment of your teeth and disguise chips and cracks on the surface of your teeth. If this sounds like what you are looking for then speak to your dentist and find out about veneers or laminates, as they are also known, today.

Healthy teeth for veneers

To find out if veneers are suitable for you your dentist will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. They will look for any signs of tooth decay and gum disease. If you are suffering from tooth decay or gum disease this will need to be dealt with before you are ready for veneers. You will need to maintain good dental hygiene, undergo a professional clean or deep clean with the hygienist and ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and strong.

Veneers for a new smile

woman with a great smile

Once your dentist is happy they can start designing a set of veneers for you. You may only need one veneer to improve the appearance of a specific tooth or you may be looking for a full set of veneers. If you are looking to transform your smile all together, you will need 8 veneers per arch which means 16 veneers altogether. These are to fit onto your visible teeth. A mock-up of your veneers will be made up so that you can trial them before you have a permanent set, because once in place veneers can last between 10 and 20 years. If you are happy then they will be fixed into place.

Veneers need to be looked after like your natural teeth. It is important that you brush them and floss between them as your would with your natural teeth, because plaque and tartar can accumulate around the veneer. It is important that you visit the dentist on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth remain clean and healthy. Veneers are stain resistant so you can maintain a beautiful white smile for many years to come. Speak to your dentist today to find out more.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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