woman suffering from fatigue and headache

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: How to Know if You’re at Risk

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects millions of individuals in the U.S. alone. Also called myalgic encephalomyelitis, it could happen to virtually anyone.

However, certain individuals are predisposed to developing the illness more than others. Since the causes of CFS have yet to be determined, experts know the risk of chronic fatigue due to correlation or circumstances appearing together instead of causing each other. If you suspect you have CFS, you should immediately seek chronic fatigue treatment from facilities like RedRiver Health and Wellness Center in Albuquerque.

Risk Factors

One of the most reliable statistics on the risk of developing CFS according to the Nation Institutes of Health is that females are four times more likely to develop CFS  than males because they’re inherently more hormonal than males. Generally speaking, however, CFS is more common in aging individuals. For instance, teens are more susceptible to CFS symptoms than preteens and younger kids, and adults aged 40 years old and above are more vulnerable to developing CFS than adults aged 30 years old and younger.

Fatigue and stress also seem to be associated with CFS symptoms and specific career types. It’s important to note though that your job doesn’t automatically increase your risk of developing CFS since research shows that individuals in all occupations and income brackets are all at risk. CFS is likewise not prejudiced since no race is more predisposed to symptoms than others.

Trauma and Genetics

woman suffering from fatigue

Studies also suggest that people susceptible to CFS might have an unidentified, inherited trait that could increase the risk of the illness. This suggests that genetics play a huge role in CFS risk. Regarding trauma, studies also show that individuals with past trauma, particularly when they were younger, have an increased risk of developing chronic fatigue later on, most likely due to the link between fatigue and stress.

In addition, individuals with CFS who have a history of emotional, sexual or physical child abuse are more likely to develop the condition than individuals who don’t. According to research, this is because child abuse negatively impacts the body’s stress responses, which is something that’s common among individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The Link Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Certain Health Conditions

A couple of health conditions have a strong link to chronic fatigue syndrome, according to a study published in PubMed. The study, which involved 3,982 adult twins with common health complaints, found that chronic fatigue syndrome was commonly linked to diseases including panic attacks, major depression, fibromyalgia, chronic tension headache and post-traumatic stress disorder. While the link between these diseases and CFS is not clear, it strongly implies a potential genetic association.

Take note that it’s also possible that you could develop CFS even if you’re at high risk for developing it or not. But you have an increased risk of developing it if the risk factors mentioned above apply to you. With this in mind, speak to your doctor if you’re at risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome so you could plan ahead and try to reduce your risk of actually developing the condition.

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