brushing teeth

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Taking Care of Your Teeth

Some misconceptions about dental care sound so believable for some. At best, these misconceptions are negligible, but at worst, they can cause irreparable damage, even a trip to the dentist’s office.

Dental clinics in Townsville are more than happy to debunk these oral health misconceptions and give you good service, too. To clear the air, here are some of the most common urban myths about dental care and why they are wildly untrue:

Harder you brush, the better the clean

This idea isn’t only wrong, but it does more harm if you have sensitive gums or gum recession. Brushing with hard bristles or brushing too harshly erodes the enamel that protects the inside of your teeth cavities. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and applying proper brushing techniques should be enough in getting rid of the soft, sticky plaque.

Only sugar causes cavities and tooth decay

While it’s true that sugars do cause the teeth to break down, sugar isn’t only found on snacks and desserts. Many meals consist of this destructive ingredient, especially carbohydrates that are rich in starch and free sugars. Diet versions of carbonated drinks aren’t any better; they still contain acids that can degrade your teeth.

The whiter the teeth, the healthier they are

checking teeth

Advertisements today relate whiter teeth to healthier teeth just because they look more attractive. What they don’t tell you is that your teeth’s natural colour changes as you age and that your teeth’s slightly yellow film is natural. Also, cavities, tooth decays and other oral health issues can still occur if your teeth are white.

You should brush your teeth every after meals

While brushing your teeth after every meal doesn’t technically do any bad to your teeth, the error is in the belief that it’s a better oral care practice. According to oral experts, it is better to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up to reduce cavity-forming bugs in your mouth. So, when you eat your breakfast, the risk of tooth decay is lower.

Removing a wisdom tooth is part of life

Not everyone is required to remove their wisdom teeth. Some people go through life without having to ever pull these babies out. Dentists don’t suggest pulling your wisdom teeth out if they feel fine, fully erupted and positioned correctly.

You should gargle water after every brush

Many people are used to rinsing their mouths every time they brush their teeth to rinse out any excess toothpaste foam. So it should surprise the same people that this is not recommended, as this only flushes out the fluoride they just applied. After brushing, just spit the foam out. Don’t rinse or gargle with water.

Dental check-ups should be twice a year

This is a good basis for good oral care, but people shouldn’t limit themselves to just two visits. Make it a habit to schedule dental appointments as soon as problems arise.

You don’t need to go to the dentist if your teeth are clean

Just because you think your teeth are clean doesn’t mean they are and that you don’t need to go to the dentist. You can only see so much in your bathroom mirror. Gum diseases, cavities and tooth decays don’t need to hurt before going to the dentist.

If you have heard of other urban myths about oral care, it doesn’t hurt to talk to your dentist first.

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