
Composite bonding and porcelain veneers: getting your smile on!

Have you been considering finding out what you can do about the appearance of your teeth? Do you have chipped, cracked or stained teeth, for example? If so, you may have come across veneers in London. There are two types of dental veneers: composite bonding and porcelain veneers. Understanding which is the right treatment for you will involve speaking to a dentist who offers this treatment and, after examining your mouth, they will be able to advise you properly. However, understanding the principles of each treatment will help you to make an informed decision.

Composite bonding

If you have some minor imperfections in your smile, such as a chipped tooth or one that needs lengthening to match the appearance of other teeth, then composite bonding could be the treatment for you. It can be carried out in one single appointment, making it a quick and efficacious way of improving your smile without any fuss! Composite bonding works by a dentist applying an enamel coloured resin to the prepared teeth. To prepare the teeth, the dentist will roughen the surface of them and use a conditioning liquid, before applying the resin. The resin is hardened by shining a blue light on to it and once this has been completed, the dentist can then trim and shape it as required. Composite bonding is not considered to last as long as porcelain veneers, but can still last for up to 10 years. However, it is painless to have done and it can be done quickly, with about 30 minutes required for each tooth. This makes it a good treatment for getting an improved smile before a wedding, for example, however, composite bonding can still crack and chip as well, so caution must be exercised over eating hard foods and avoiding bad habits such as biting finger nails.

Porcelain veneers

Close-up of Teeth Veneers

Porcelain veneers typically last for around 15 years and are considered to be more durable than composite bonding, although it is still advised to avoid extremely hard foods, for example. A dentist will first prepare the teeth being treated by roughening the surface of the tooth and then applying a temporary veneer. In the meantime, a ceramist will manufacture the permanent porcelain veneers, making the tooth shaped shell thin, so that it sits on top of the surface of the tooth like a false fingernail. In a second appointment, this veneer is adhered to the tooth using dental glue. The porcelain is created in the colour of your enamel, so that it complements your other teeth, or if you are having veneers for your front teeth to improve the appearance of them, they may be lightened and brightened to give you a fresh smile all over!

Which should I choose?

The best way to know for sure about the treatment that is right for you is to visit a dentist to discuss your goals for your smile. They will be able to examine you and advise upon the right solution for you. Remember that porcelain veneers are permanent and once you have them fitted, you will always need to replace them with more veneers. However, both composite bonding and porcelain veneers should give you a truly wonderful smile that makes you want to use it all the time!

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