Old woman on a motorized wheelchair

How to Choose a Mobility Equipment for Seniors

Seniors often have a hard time moving around as their range of motion becomes extremely limited. Fortunately, there’s a wide range of mobility equipment for the elderly nowadays that can help them move independently despite the limitations they experience.

With the numerous choices, however, it makes sense to think through the options before making a purchase. Here are some tips that should serve as a guide.

1. Expert Advice

Their doctor should have the first say on what is the best mobility equipment for them. Their physician will have a fairly good idea of what’s available in the market and which one matches their needs as best as possible.

Remember that there are several options today starting with a cane, crutches, scooters, wheelchairs, and even guide dogs.

2. Insurance Coverage

Check out the kind of insurance coverage you have and whether the insurer covers mobility aids. This is relevant if the insurer covers only certain types of products or have a cap on the amount they can pay off.

If it is the latter, then you should at least be able to reduce the cost of the mobility equipment. Keep in mind that it’s usually better to buy the right type instead of settling for the kind your insurer is willing to provide.

3. Test Ride

Old man about to test his motorized wheelchairDon’t forget to test ride the piece of equipment to ensure whether or not the product is adequate. Even if you narrow down your choices to specific mobility equipment, you’ll find yourself still faced with lots of options.

For example, wheelchairs today aren’t as basic as they used to be. There are those with electronic controls, while others are operated manually.

4. Long-Term Considerations

Note that when you buy mobility equipment, you might be buying for temporary or permanent use. Some mobility issues are temporary — such as when they’re only needed while the senior is recovering from surgery.

If you expect gradual deterioration over time, however, it’s usually best to think about future needs and buy with that need in mind. This will help reduce overall costs in the future.

5. The Risks

Don’t forget to teach seniors about the risks or pitfalls of using this mobility equipment. For example, canes or crutches when not used properly can actually cause pain along the arm, which only makes it more difficult for a senior to move around.

If you’re going to suggest mobility equipment, make a point of learning exactly how it can be used with as little risk as possible. You could ask around for pieces of advice.

Of course, keep in mind that the list provided here is not exhaustive. If you feel as though there are other factors you must consider when buying mobility equipment, then make a point of including them in your list to help you better assess your choices.

At the end of the day, your aim is to make sure that your senior loved ones are comfortable and enjoy as much independence as their age and capacities will allow.

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