Reasons for Denial of Disability Claims

Do you know that the number of applications for disability claims is about 5 million in a year? However, approximately 25 percent of the filed claims undergo approval by the administration, and the rest are rejected. There are multiple reasons as to why a claim would be rejected. Any individual making an application should avoid making mistakes. The reasons vary according to the type of case, evidence for the claim, and procedural mistakes. Some of these reasons for rejection of disability claims in Utah include:

Failure to Cooperate

Regardless of how the individuals handling your claim treat you, it is best that you cooperate. That is because the people in the office may deny processing your claim. Therefore, issue the required documentation to the relevant authorities, attend the meetings, and stay in touch with the officials. Ignoring the officials even in a small way may end up nullifying the processing of your claim.

Ignoring Treatment

The administration in social security offices may deny your claim if you do not follow up on your treatment. The examiner in the health facility produces a report to know that your condition affects your working ability. This implies that if you do not cooperate with the doctor, they will notify the administrators in the social security office. Present any issue that may alter you to attend your treatment sessions in court when appealing with the help of a disability attorney.


This limitation applies if your application is for the SSI benefits. The application for SSDI benefits does not consider your income. For the former application, individuals can take part-time jobs and earn income during the application process. Claims for individuals earning above 800 dollars will not be successful. Disability claims are only approved for individuals who cannot work.

person looking sad because of a denied claim

Previous Denials

If you have filed a claim and it has been rejected, it is best you consider appealing the case. Some individuals opt to file a new claim instead. However, that is not a wise move. The individuals reviewing claims would deny claims automatically if the one applying received a denial at first.

Insufficient Medical Evidence

Like a court case, you need solid evidence when filing for claims. The evidence should be medical reports stating the effect of the disability on your working ability. If the reports do not indicate the effect on your performance, you can rest assured that it will not be successful. When the office sends you to a doctor, it is not to get the evidence but to prove the disability. Therefore, get sufficient medical evidence and attach it to your application documents to increase the chances of a successful claim.

Although there are some disability claims that do not get approval, it is essential to note that not all the claims are rejected. There is a certain percentage of claims that get approval every year. Filing honest claims within the stipulated regulations will see you get approval for your claim. Conduct research when planning to file these applications to get an idea of what you should and should not do for a successful claim.

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