dental implant

5 things you need to know about oral implants

When it comes to undergoing restorative and cosmetic dental care when you have a missing tooth or teeth, there are fewer options that are more suitable than having an oral implant fitted.

Affixed to your jaw via surgery, implants are a simple and efficacious way to close gaps and also to restore bite function and strength without the need for dental adhesives. But as this is a relatively new procedure, very few people know a lot about having an oral implant fitted and, in this article, you will be guided through 5 facts about oral implants that you need to know before you contact your dentist to book the treatment. So, read on to learn more.

They may not fuse

While it is incredibly uncommon, there are instances during which dental implants Melbourne fail to fuse to the jaw. This may be due to the jaw itself being unsuitable and suffering from osteoporosis or another degenerative condition. In some cases, it may be caused by the rate at which new bone is set down in the body, which can vary from person to person. If 12 months after you have had your oral implants fitted they are not fusing, your dental team will remove them and consider other restorative options.

There are different types

The most commonly used type of oral implant is the endosteal implant. If you are not suitable for the endosteal option, then your dental team may suggest other options, such as subperiosteal implants, zygomatic implants or even a mini-implant. All of these can support prosthetic teeth but have their own clinical requirements, fusing times and of course, slight variations in the overall procedure.

They can fall out

An oral implant can fall out, especially in the early months after fitting, but this is usually due to an incorrect fitting procedure or the person who has the implant putting excessive pressure onto it by chewing food that is hard. If you suspect that your oral implant has come loose or is wobbling, then you need to seek the help of your dental team as soon as possible.

dental implant

They are long-lasting

Provided that you care for them correctly, oral implants can easily last up to 20 years. Luckily, the aftercare is relatively straightforward and involves brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, rinsing with mouthwash and attending annual visits to your dental team.

They are not expensive

Many people assume that oral implants are excessively expensive and will break the bank when they have them fitted. However, for the majority of people who have oral implants fitted, their dental surgery is able to offer financing options which can help break down the costs into affordable monthly repayments, meaning that overall they are not pricey.

However, this will vary based on how many implants you are receiving, the type of implant you are having fitted, and of course, where you are having the procedure performed. Aim to have them fitted in the same country that you live in and avoid going overseas. This can be tempting when you are looking for a straightforward and cheaper way to have implants fitted, but this often results in a lower level of care.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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